So what's the new deal with growing crops?
What don't we know after thousands of years?
Agriculture was the first major accomplishment for humans. It grew human society, not just crops. Today, a significant part of the population of our planet is deeply involved in the growing, distribution and manufacture of crops. Agriculture calls for gigantic investments of every kind and now requires the very best of our intelligence and expertise. There is no room for compromise. Timely and plentiful harvests have such power, they even constitute an important factor in the political jostling that nations do -- food is distributed as political largesse between nations. Ironically, we are in a day when entire nations consume food wastefully while millions die excruciating deaths with not a grain to eat.
Agriculture has garnered the best of technology, from transforming the genetics of crops to inventing fabulously ingenious machinery for the farm. Thanks to global logistics prowess; food also travels like never before: entire nations consume food and fruit that have not and cannot grow in their countries because of the capability and speed of moving them across continents.
Yet, despite all the technological advance, the manifold powers of multiple technologies have simply not come together like they should have. There is plenty of brute loads of information available, but no inspired fusing of data, expertise, experience and insight. While achieving this is a desperate need, it is also a fantastic new opportunity.
If we can correctly utilise the information that we can now collect, and monitor all the components of moving harvested crops, we can ignite a completely new crop-growing prowess worldwide and exponentially elevate our ability to manage, protect, and profit from our harvests. What if software and hardware experts have one simple epiphany: let us take the state-of-the-art hard and soft tech we now possess, correctly understand its fused power, extract information that is hiding, and bring it to bear on agriculture? To correctly do this would be true 21st-century agriculture.
The primary challenge is that growing crops is in so many critical ways a matter of 'actually being there.' You can't merely 'visit next week just to see how the crops are doing' or look at pictures and printouts. Efficacious agriculture is a matter of being in the field, among the crops, sensing the earth, understanding the sky, inhaling the air ... for a real-time comprehension and an experienced, instinctive, nuanced discernment. Earth, wind, water, they all speak, and we are just hearing the conversation, we are not listening. They radiate crucial information increasingly, and we have been close to deaf to them.
The secret sauce from Cropin.
With the Intelligent Agriculture Cloud, Cropin has developed that missing vital sixth sense. Our grasp of the elements, our algorithms to use what we know, our command of the sciences has the power to elevate the science to be an art in itself. Cropin has taken the trouble to commit to the sheer capacity to store gigantic amounts of information in terms of specific histories, the algorithms to mine it for key information and parse it into extremely powerful and usable 'this is happening now, this could happen tomorrow and and this needs to happen immediately' insights. It amounts to an extraordinary grasp of a situation which can be rapidly deployed to achieve maximum possible yield. Cropin has achieved a unique agri-intelligence: first, we help farmers understand what changes are headed their way and what impact they could have on farms or crops and second, given our tech and unique intelligence, send them a set of instructions and best practices to be environment-friendly.
Cropin’s power is to create and deliver the kind of multi-dimensional predictive intelligence that could transform the entire ecosystem in which crops live. This is now, thanks to Cropin's successes, a proven. It does not depend on the development of a brand new science or technology. The extraordinary advantage is that every single technological advance can be instantly incorporated and enhance the output of the intelligence we produce. We have infinitely evolving algorithms, we are not locked into any one construct of thinking. The most important advantage Cropin brings is that it can plug effortlessly into a client's legacy systems, and not impose on a client a gauntlet of changes that will exhaust them even before they begin. With Cropin, a working system hits the ground running, and clients see its value and advantage in short order.
Cropin’s mission and purpose is to gather every iota of information, including eavesdropping on earth and the elements, bring every relevant tech to the table, and extract from it all the prescience and foreknowledge to protect and nurture growing crops, to make record harvests inevitable, to move them with control and speed to their destination. The supreme aim is to cause profit of every kind, especially financial, to farmers, investors, shareholders and distributors, so that they have the financial pool to plan and effortlessly draw our even larger harvests, year on year. The overriding goal is to deliver to our clients a multidimensional transformation of intelligence and capability that they should have had in the first place if their goal was (and it certainly was and still is) to profit from rich harvests.